This cover of the music magazine Kerrang! features a masthead with the title of the magazine at the top. There is also a heading which says "50 albums you need to hear in 2009!" this heading is showing in higher cased letters and and a bigger front to catch the attention of the reader, it is also the biggest part to the magazine, underneath this header there is in smaller writing is a list of the bands which will feature in this section of the magazine, some of the bands are Green Day, Gallows, Enter Shikari. this bands will feature in this magazine because they are popular bands, the creaters will of done this so more readers will buy the magazine. The Front cover features many images of bands in order, it looks like a montage to create confusion to the audience so they become intriqued into the magazine. In the left bottom corner is a little section saying "Kerrang! Relentless Energy Drink Tour Poster Special!" and has images of some of the posters in the magazine.
The target audience for this music magazine is teenagers and young adults mostly that age group listen to rock/metal/punk which is featured throughout the magazine. At the top of the page there is a list of other information that will be featured in the magazine. The layout of this magazine is that the main attraction is in the centre with the less important stories to be put around the centred images. The colours used in this cover are plain colours which are used to make the images look more interesting.
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