43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Audience Feedback

I showed my product to a person in my class, I wanted to hear their thoughts of what they were thinking of my product. The People were Lewis Thubron who gave me feedback on my product.
Lewis Thubron who is 16, told me that he would buy my magazine as he find the front cover to be eye catching, so it would of attracted him to buy this magazine, he also said that the contents page should of had another background colour as it didn't flow well enough with the rest of the magazine. Lewis said that the double page looks like what a real double page spread would look like. so it was a positive feedback apart from the contents page. Lewis is a frequent buyer of Kerrang! magazine so this proves that my product is aimed at the target audience of who would read Kerrang!.

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Evaluation: What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product

the technologies used to create my media product. This helped me as i got more familiar with the camera and started to develop and it helped to get better shots for my magazine. The next image is of my using Photoshop and In Design to create my front cover and contents page, before i started this project i had never used either programmes so as i was creating my magazine i started to develop and get better at what i was doing to create my product.
I found using Photoshop was pretty simple and easy to use which let me get my front cover done quite quickly, Unlike In Design which was quite confusing and it took me a lot longer to get my contents and double page done as i didn't know much about the software until i watched the video tutorial.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Evaluation: How did you attract your audience

for my magazine I researched Magazines like Kerrang!, Rock-Sound as i wanted the audience that read those types of magazines to read my magazine. As you can see in the Kerrang! magazine i have tried to take some ideas from it, like how i have a main image in the centre and have smaller images surrounding the main one. I also have my title at the top like in the kerrang magazine . The barcode is also in the righthand corner as it is not an important thing to be seen.
At the top of my magazine i have a bar with bands names and other stories which is smilar to the Kerrang!, I wanted to have the main image in front of the title like in the Kerrang! magazine but then i thought that i would like my audience to see the name of my magazine to know the name.

Evaluation: Who would be the audience for you media product

This image represents who would be the audience for my media product, The audiences taste would be for tattoos and having stretchers in their ears, usually wears skinny jeans, band t-shirts and a hoodie. The audience would have to be heavily influenced by music and listen to music quite a lot, the audience may even play instruments. As you can see by the picture on the left the audience like to have a good time and mess around, have a individual dress sense. The audience usually have different hairstyles compared to them of the "Chav" Stereotype, which tends to be short back and sides with short spikey hair. Our audience would tend to have longer hair with the exception of the one person in one of our images.

Evaluation: How does your media product represent particular social groups

I decided to present my how my media product represents socials groups by getting myself a digital camera and taking images of people who are in the social groups that would read my magazine and also feature in my magazine. As you can see my social groups they wear skinny jeans, usually wear band t-shirts (like my actor in the double page spread), have tattoos, Stretchers in their ears, and long hair.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Evaluation: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

Firstly i will start with the conventions i have used in my magazine:

The title of my magazine needed to be bold and bright so i found an effective font from photo shop and created my title. I then re sized it after looking at a Kerrang magazine and seeing what size and the shape the font was, this helped me to make my title for my magazine look effective. I used the font sidewalk as it looked rough and give a good feel to my front cover. This title features on the contents page as well as it sets the theme for the magazine.

The mise-en-scene in the images in the front cover show by the persons clothing and props such as the microphone and the headphones suggest that my magazine themes are for music as there are also many band names and gig names surrounding the magazine so this also shows us that my magazine is based on music and bands. As you can see by the actors i used for my magazine they are wearing basic clothing usual like a band t-shirt and skinny jeans, which is typical for band members to wear. I researched some written content by looking at some double page spread content from the music magazine Kerrang! and tried to do what they do. The Music genre i have chosen to have my magazine based on is Punk/Metal/Rock music and my magazine suggests this by the name of the title "Fear Of The Punk". The layout is pretty basic for my front cover is pretty simple as i have my image in the middle of the page and the text and sub images around the image, i also have my title at the top like most magazines these days. My contents page is basic as well as on one side i have the pages numbers and the arcticles and on the other side the images that link with the arcticles stories.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Flat Plans

Front Cover:
In my front cover you can see that i have put a header with the colour red because it is a attractive colour and with stand out to the black background cover. You can see that i have put an image of my model in the centre as it is the main attraction. You can also see that i have put sub headings all the way around the image in bright comparison colours to the black so they stand out.

Contents Page:
In my contents page i have put the information on the left side and images of the articles on the right side. I have carried on with the black back ground for continuity. I have also put in a editors letter as most magazine have them.

Double Page Spread:
In my double page spread i have my main image in the centre with the article story around the image. I will also have a black border which will continue with the continuity for the magazine.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Recce of Location

For my front cover i will have the first shots taken in the photo studio behind a white screen. This is in the Media studio for the shoots of my model.

For my second Photos for my double page spread will by took in the Stanhope Park. As shown in these images.

Paragraph Planning

In my paragraphs in my article i plan to first do a little background information on my band for the double page spread and then discuss the main story of the band in different paragraphs throughout the double page spread. The Paragraphs will be around the images on the double page spread so we can see the image for the audience.

Call Sheets

ACTOR: Tom Walker
CHARACTER: Band Member
SHOOTING DAY NO.: Wednesday 10th of febuary
MAKE-UP:None needed
LOCATION:Stanhope Park
PRODUCER: Liam Jackson
DIRECTOR: Liam Jackson

ACTOR: Liam Raine
CHARACTER: Band Member
SHOOTING DAY NO.: Wednesday 10th of febuary
MAKE-UP:None needed
LOCATION:Stanhope Park
PRODUCER: Liam Jackson
DIRECTOR: Liam Jackson

Article planning

Purpose of your article: To entertain the audience and let them see information on their favourite artists
Narrative voice: 1st person.
Style: Formal
Language Use:Dialect

Journalism Skills Development

Blink 182 released their new album "Emena Of The State" last week, here is our review on it.
San Diego pop punk stars Blink 182 formed in 1992. The band formed as "Blink" with vocalist and guitarist Tom Delonge, vocalist and bassist Mark Hoppus and drummer Scott Rayner . In 1998, midway through a U.S. tour, current drummer Travis Barker replaced Raynor. Blink-182 are recognised as a key pioneer of contemporary pop punk music, influencing various acts over their career.
In it's first week "Enema Of The State" sold over £1 million copies. Fuelled by catchy lyrics and edgy riffs it is surely one you don't want to miss. "Enema of the State" delivers it's high energy without a moment to breathe. For casual fans of Blink 182, this is really their definitive album. Laden with hooks, catchy lyrics, and immature subjects, this is the real Blink 182 at it's finest. When listening to this, you go back to a time when Blink wasn't goth and in fact were a band us unsuicidal kids could listen to. Enema is Blink 182's best album IMO, hands down.

This photoshoot will be used for my contents page as little images at the side. I will use this shoot on many different times for different people to put in my contents page.

In this photo shoot i would like my models to be in a park where we can see in the background trees and a wall like at Stanhope Park. I got this idea when looking back through an old Kerrang! magazine of mine, so this gave me the idea for putting a band in a park and having the photos taken of them.

Friday, 5 February 2010

Photo Shoot plans

This photo shoot plan is of the studio with the subject for my front page and having the white screen behind my subject. by either side of the subject and background screen is lights to give effect that things are bright and that makes the modal look better on the magazine.

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Proposal and Initial Treatment

In my magazine the intended audience will be readers who are musically influenced and listen to music often, The music the audience would listen to would be punk/rock/metal which will be heavily featured throughout the magazine. The goal and the intended purpose of this magazine would to let the audience listen and be informed on popular bands and on new upcoming bands, this would entertain the audience with knowing what is happening with the bands.

This magazine ould be compared to Kerrang! but i want to make it a little bit different as I will feature information and stories on instruments unlike what Kerrang! has done. The style will be just plan writing in the arcticles with quotes taking from the stories and posted in big bold colourful writing across a picture. The roles i will have to take on during the course of the production is taking the images for the front cover,contents page and the double page spread, will also be editing the magazine when completed, i will be creating the magazine it's self aswell.
I also think that i will be having my friends featured in the magazine and having them take images of me for my magazine.

My front cover will feature a close up image of me and the title of the magazine above the top saying "Fear Of A Punk" around the image i will have various taglines around it about new bands and one refering to the image. i wil have a bar code in the right hand corner will the price.
My contents page will have on the left side the page numbers of the arcticles and the right hand side of the page will have images of various arcticles that will be in my magazine. The double page spread will be a image of a band with a quote going across them and then underneath them having the acrticle wrote down.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

This image is a mood board i created. This represents the influences and some of the people that would read my magazine. The mood board features images of a drum kit and two men holding their guitars in the air, this represents that some of the audience that would read my magazine play and instrument such as guitar and drums. The other images are of Band members, who the audience would like or already listen to the bands. The names of the bands are Blink 182, Youmeatsix, Bring Me The Horizon. These bands are popular in the area and genre that would be featured in my magazine. There is also a tagline to describe some of the audience. We also have a image of a big crowd which represents that the audience go to gigs and festvials, it also shows a big crowd which means a big audience.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Primary Research

firstly for my primary research i created a Questionnaire to see what audience would want to buy and read my magazine. I featured many questions that were right for the audience. The questions based on the gender of the reader, age, which stereotype they fit they belong to, their yearly income, which other magazine they buy most often, if they have ever been to a music festival, and if they use social networks.
The most popular answers i got back was that the stereotype was people that listened to rock, and went to the music festivals leeds and download, the audience also said that they bought Kerrang! most often, the people who answered the question also said they used the social site Facebook and MySpace, they were also aged between 16-25.
These answers mean that the audience that would read my magazine are teenagers between the age 16-19, who like to go to leeds and download festival. They also like to read Kerrang! magazine, the audience also listen to Rock/Punk/Metal/Indie music.

Focus Group:
In my focus group we all discussed about What the age group of the audience should be for the magazine we are creating. As the magazine is about music and the genre is Rock/Metal/Punk, and the magazine will feature Double page spreads about music artists of the genre. The group decided that it it would be best for the age group to be for a audience of 16 to 25 years olds.

Write Up:
The group said that in my magazine they would like to see well presentation so e.g. the layout. They also said that they would like to see attractive images throughout my magazine as a lot of people want to see images of their favourite band etc. The group also said that they would like to see a detailed article on the double page spread about the artist including background information on them e.g. influences, where they are from, how long they have been together.

Overall Write Up:
The focus group turned out to be successful as i found out more about what my audience wants to get out of the magazine and they also told me on places that they would like to standout better then others.

Saturday, 23 January 2010

Secondary Research

The target audience for my magazine should be like the audience of the music magazine Kerrang!. The research from this link http://www.bauermedia.co.uk/Brands/Kerrang/ shows us that the audience who reads Kerrang! are individually minded, independent of thought and musically experienced, an audience defined by attitude, passion and loyalty.This is the defination of the target audience i would for my magazine. I think for my magazine i would have many different sterotypes reading it such as Moshers, Scene Kids, Grungers, Goths, Emos, Skaters.

This list of the different sterotypes would be the perfect audience who would read my magazine as they all listen the genres of music that will be featured in my magazine. The genre of my magazine is Rock/Metal/Punk. I have chosen that genre of music because it's my favourite but I think that it would be the best area to create a magazine in.

Double Page Spread Analysis

This is another double page spread featured in the Kerrang! music magazine. The main focus of this double page spread is the images of the band My Chemical Romance and a quote placed in the top right corner which has been taken from the interview on the right side of the page. The page features one main image medium shot of the vocalist, with smaller images surrounding that image. The vocalist has been put in the biggest shot as he is the most famous member of the band so the audience will recognise him if seen first. The colour of the whole double page spread is in black and white, with the quote in red and white writing. Those colours will have been used to make the quote standout to the audience. The band are shown in the images to be at work which makes the readers interested as they like the band will like to know if they are doing new material.

almost white.Editing the image also makes it stand out from the page, therefore attracting the audience’s attention to her and the quote beside her. The letters and font used varies in sizes. Some of the lettering are in upper case and some are in lower case, however not the correct way they are supposed to be used. The upper case letters are dotted in each word randomly giving the quote an edge creating variety. By doing this it attracts the audience, they will want to see her other opinions and feelings on the media and the subject being represented through the interview. All the features used are to make the magazine a lot more successful by catching the audience’s attention. The quote and picture bring the two pages together, by carrying the quote on to the other page joins them together to make a well presented double page spread.

Double Page Spread Analysis

In this double page spread featured in Kerrang! music magazine. The main focus of the arcticle is the band All American Rejects, with the title of the arcticle going down the left hand side of the page. The shot used of the band is a medium shot, which shows us the band from the waist up. The band all stood in front of a red wall, while wearing dark coloured clothing which makes the band more eye catching on the readers of the magazine. The main image of the band has the main band member centred which makes him the centre of attention in the image. At the bottom of the page we have the arcticle going across in text boxes staying out of the way of the images.

Double Page Spread Analysis

This double page spread which is featured in Kerrang! music magazine. The main focus of this article is the centred image of Tom Delonge with the Quote "I wouldn't want to be Mark or Travis when this record comes out". This background colour is very dark which makes more of the artist's features standout more in the lighting. The quote which is featured in the centre is taken from the text which is at the right hand side of the image and quote. The artist can be seen in the centre of the page in a medium shot from the waist up in a position with his arms crossed. This represents that the artist is maybe a little reballious and stuggesting that he doesn't care about anything. The colour of the quote is in bright red which makes it more eye catching, and signifies some importance. The Artist has only one side of his face and body showing which represents that maybe there is an evil side to the artist.

Contents Page Analysis

In this contents page of the music magazine Kerrang! you can see that it is different to the other 2 content pages i have analysed as there are more images in this there is writing. There is a editors letter at the top where the editor talks about what is going to be featured throughout the magazine. Down the right hand side of the magazine we have the page numbers of the arcticles featured. Under each of the images is also a page number and a sentance explaining the arcticles which are in the magazine. In the right bottom corner is an advertisement to subscribe to the magazine, these are usually found in the magazine.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Contents Page Analysis

In this Contents page for Rock Sound features the same elements as the NME contents page.
down the left hand side of this contents page has the list of the arcticles and it also has an index with presents the pages numbers for the arcticles. Down the right side of the page we have all the images which are too be featured in the magazine with the main arcticle images centred at the top of the right hand side. then in a smaller quality we have the other images put in a wonky order down the right hand side. At the top of the right side of the page we have the title of the magazine saying "Rock Sound" and it has a tag line "Music With Attitude". This contents page is pretty empty compared to many other magazine contents pages, as this contents page only has images and arcticles with page numbers.

Contents Page Analysis

in this contents page by NME magazine has the basic layout of a contents page. it has an index with presents the pages numbers with the stories in the magazine so it is easy for readers to find what they are looking for. There is also a mini story about the main arcticle which will feature in the magazine. The contents page is separated into differents sections: one for the news, which is all the new news on the readers favourite bands. One for the reviews on bands new released albums. Live which is a review on a band at a live gig. Features which is stories of the readers favourite bands. This contents page also has an advertisement of how to subscribe to the magazine.

Front Cover Analysis

This magazine cover of NME Magazine is printed to the average size of a magazine, it has a masthead in the lefthand corner of the page, with a large image of the band The Wombats centred in the middle of the cover with the heading "The Wombats - why britain's gone silly for the lords of the indie dancefloor" The Wombats will be centred in the centre of this magazine as they are the main attraction of the magazine and they are a popular band so this will attract readers to buy the magazine. Around the heading there is sub headings about other stories to be featured in this magazine. The sub headings feature bands such as Blur and The Cribs which are well know bands in the indie genre which means that readers will buy the magazine to see what is said about these bands.

The target audience for this magazine is also teenagers and young adults as they are mostly the age group that listens to "indie" music which is featured throughout this magazine, at the tpp of this magazine there is a list of other information about glastonbury festival which is a big festival for the indie genre that will be featured in the magazine.The layout of this magazine is that the main attraction is in the centre with the less important stories to be put around the centred images. The colours used in this cover are plain colours which are used to make the images look more interesting.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Front Cover Analysis

This cover of the music magazine Kerrang! features a masthead with the title of the magazine at the top. There is also a heading which says "50 albums you need to hear in 2009!" this heading is showing in higher cased letters and and a bigger front to catch the attention of the reader, it is also the biggest part to the magazine, underneath this header there is in smaller writing is a list of the bands which will feature in this section of the magazine, some of the bands are Green Day, Gallows, Enter Shikari. this bands will feature in this magazine because they are popular bands, the creaters will of done this so more readers will buy the magazine. The Front cover features many images of bands in order, it looks like a montage to create confusion to the audience so they become intriqued into the magazine. In the left bottom corner is a little section saying "Kerrang! Relentless Energy Drink Tour Poster Special!" and has images of some of the posters in the magazine.
The target audience for this music magazine is teenagers and young adults mostly that age group listen to rock/metal/punk which is featured throughout the magazine. At the top of the page there is a list of other information that will be featured in the magazine. The layout of this magazine is that the main attraction is in the centre with the less important stories to be put around the centred images. The colours used in this cover are plain colours which are used to make the images look more interesting.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Front Cover Analysis

This magazine cover of Kerrang Magazine is printed to the average size of a magazine; it has a large masthead which is slightly covered by a image of the band Avenged Sevenfold which are seen to be a big and well know band which are centred in the magazine for the main attraction, there is a main title with the band’s name which is giving the audience the information about the band which are shown to be quite popular in this magazine. Around this image there are sub headings with information featuring other bands which are featured in this magazine like Red Hot Chili Peppers, which are a popular band so are Lostprophets who are featured in another sub title, this is showing that the magazine features popular bands in the genre of rock.

In the bottom left hand corner there is a free poster selection of new modern bands for the audience who buy the issue. At the bottom there is a lower sell line with has a list of bands which feature in this issue of Kerrang!. The Target audience for this magazines would be teenagers and young adults , who listen to music quite a lot through their day to day life, this is suggested through how the whole magazine is based on music. The layout is just a basic magazine layout having the main attraction centred in the middle and have the title in big casing near the image. then having sub headings the bottom of the magazine along with other images of bands which are featured in the magazine.

the colours used in this front cover are mostly plain colours, this has been used to make the images stand out more to the reader. this also makes the other images mastheads and sub titles look more brighter so the audience pay more attention to them.